Inés Molina Agudo

Bachelor in Art History (Complutense University of Madrid, Université Rennes 2, National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2017) and holder of a Master’s degree in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture (Complutense University of Madrid, Reina Sofía Museum, Autonomous University of Madrid, 2018). She is currently completing a PhD at the latter institution, where she studies the phenomenon of marginal press that emerged in post-Francoist Spain (1975–1980), focusing on the capacity of these materials to channel popular creativity while articulating a counter-public sphere after the dictatorship.
She has undertaken research stays at institutions such as New York University and the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam and is a member of the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit). Her work has been published in international journals such as Kamchatka, Bajo el Volcán, Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo, and Museological Review, as well as presented at academic conferences in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and the United States.
Additionally, her research has led her to collaborate closely with archives such as the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, the Uberto Stabile Collection at the University of Huelva, and the Social Movements Documentation Center Mercè Grenzner.


Molina Agudo, Inés, “On Post-Dictatorship, Popular Loquacity, and Marginal Periodicals. Bananas, a Free Creation Magazine Based in Valencia (1979-1981)”, Journal of European Periodical Studies, vol. 10, 2025 [in press].

Molina Agudo, Inés, “Autoedición y derecho a la ciudad: tres utopías portátiles (Madrid/Barcelona, ca. 1978)”, Bajo el volcán. Revista del Posgrado de Sociología de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, no. 9, pp. 387-430.

Molina Agudo, Inés, “Quienes no han tenido jamás el ‘derecho’ a la(s) palabra(s), la(s) toma(n) ya. Sobre el testimonio de los presos en lucha a través de un boletín autoeditado en Barcelona, 1976-1978”, no. 21, 2023, pp. 315-342.

Crescentino, Alejandra; Molina Agudo, Inés; Visglerio Gómez, Dolores, “Culture and COVID: a Public Debate about Artistic Spaces and Practices in Madrid”, Museological Review, no. 25, pp. 66-79.

Molina Agudo, Inés, “Entre Babel y Etemenanki: la imagen arquitectónica de la ciudad comunitaria, 1960-1970”, vol. 6, no. 1, 2019, pp. 235-268.

Garrido, Anxo; Molina Agudo, Inés, “Entrevista a Daniel Blanchard y Helen Arnold (Socialisme ou Barbarie), Escrituras Americanas, vol. 3, no. 1, 2018, pp. 219-229.

Molina Agudo, Inés, “Mil mundos en un mundo: imagen e imaginación política en la prensa marginal madrileña, 1968-1978”, Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte, vol. 29-30, 2018, pp. 93-120.