Associate Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts at the University of Salamanca (USAL). She has held a Juan de la Cierva Research Fellow at the UC3M and has been Adjunct Professor at the UCM. Among others, she is co-editor of the the monograph Lecturas de Paul Celan (Abada, 2017); Hospitalidad, lo otro y sus fronteras (Dykinson, 2021) and the author of the book José-Miguel Ullán: por una estética de lo inestable (Iberoamericana, 2019), a writer about whom she has curated an exhibition at MUSAC. Together with Juan Albarrán, she has developed the project Ensayo y Error: tentativas interartísticas en el Estado español, within the framework of the MNCARS (2014-2015). She is a collaborator of the Research Group “Ideology, Image and Society” (GIIS); member of the Group “Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts” (GEsTA) and of the Ibero-American Institute of the USAL. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts (SEyTA). She is the editorial coordinator of the journal Laocoonte. Revista de Estética y Teoría de las Artes. Her research activity focuses on issues of literary aesthetics and contemporary art theory, with a dominant focus on the relationship between art and society.
Rosa Benéitez Andrés