Tobias Locker

Tobias Locker received his PhD in Art History from the Technical University of Berlin in 2011. In 2017 he worked as a research assistant for the research project MoDe(s). His current research focuses on the study of material aspects of art objects and their connection to decolonial and ecological aspects of the Early Modern period as well as their reverberations in contemporary artistic practices. He has published on interior decoration of the early modern period and the instrumentalization of the arts in the context of the World’s Fairs and the early Franco period. 
Tobias has been a visiting professor at the Bard Graduate Center in New York, the Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano (IHAAA) at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Argentina, and the Deutsche Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris. He is currently a professor at Saint Louis University Madrid. 


Tobias Locker, “Charles III et les cabinets de porcelaine de Portici, Aranjuez et Madrid : Transferts technologiques et artistiques dans le contexte méditerranéen”, e-Spania , no. 41, 2022,

Tobias Locker, “El anhelo de Citera en el ocaso del Antiguo Régimen: la naturaleza en el arte del Rococó” in Daniel López del Rincón (ed.), Arte y Naturaleza. Del Bosco al bioarte, Vitoria-Gasteiz & Buenos Aires, Sans Soleil Ediciones, 2017, pp. 153-176.

Tobias Locker, “The Frederician Rococo at the service of the German Empire: The decorative arts at the 1900 Paris World’s Fair”, Acta / Artis. Estudis d’Art Modern, no. 4-5, 2016-2017, pp. 89-97.

Paula Barreiro-López, Carey Casten, Tobias Locker (eds.), The ‘Baroque’ in the Construction of a National Culture in Francoist Spain, Bulletin of Spanish Studies XVI, special iusse, vol. 5, 2014.

Significant Publications

The Frederician Rococo at the service of the German Empire: The decorative arts at the 1900 Paris World’s Fair

The ‘Baroque’ in the Construction of a National Culture in Francoist Spain