In eighties Boaventura de Sousa Santos proposed a change heading the overcoming of the separation between natural sciences and social sciences, between those objects that has been studied and those subjects that study them. This separation is the core of the colonial nature of our academic knowledge. The scientific rigour quatify, and doing that dequalify. It is a rigour that in objectivizing the phenomenon, it objectifies them them and degrade them. If we transform this object of study into subject we will get to what de Sousa Santos call “a paradigm of a prudent knowledge for a decent life”. It is based in give space to the nature a new status, a new naturalism where the natural phenomenon started to be studied as social phenomenon. In that way not just the people has rights, but also the plants, the mountains, the memory, the rivers…
The new methods that he proposes are surprisingly close of those created in the visual arts.(M.I.)