Graduate in art history (UM, 2019), with a master’s degree in contemporary art history and visual culture (UAM, UCM, MNCARS, 2020). She received the Extraordinary Degree Award in Art History. In 2019, she obtained a Collaboration Scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Professional Training in the Department of History and Theory of Art (UAM) and, later, she obtained a JAEIntro Scholarship (2020) with the Social and Political Philosophy group of the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC. She is currently a predoctoral researcher (FPU) at the Department of Art History and Theory (UAM) where she is working toward a PhD on the institutionalization, curation, and reception of contemporary dance in museums and Spanish art centers, under the direction of professors Olga Fernández López and Juan Albarrán Diego. Her research focuses on dance and performance. As a result, she has participated in several international conferences, highlighting Fugas Fugas e interferencias. V Internacional Performance Art Conference and the Jornada Internacional “Arte Actual. Cuerpos Intervinientes, Voces Militantes”, and she has published in academic journals.
Blanca Molina