Abdiel D. Segarra-Ríos

PhD student in the Program of Artistic, Literary and Cultural Studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Researches the effects that the nationalist ideological agenda has had on the official narratives of the history of art in Puerto Rico and how this has in turn influenced the development and visibility that the work of Puerto Rican abstract artists has received inside and outside the island. He is graduated cum laude in Fine Arts from the Escuela de Artes Plásticas de San Juan (2008), has a Master’s Degree in Cultural Management and Administration from the University of Puerto Rico (2013) and a Master’s Degree in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has directed the Visual Arts Program of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture and the 4th edition of the Poly/Graphic Triennial of San Juan, Latin America and the Caribbean.

He currently collaborates with the programing of Espacio CóMPLICES, a collective cultural work platform located in the Lavapiés neighborhood in Madrid. In 2019 he co-founded Sin Norte, an independent publication focused on the dissemination of migrant chronicles in Europe. In addition, he works with the curatorship of ‘entreformas’ an exhibition for the Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, the brings together the work of several generations of Puerto Rican abstract artists and is based on the content of his doctoral research.


Segarra Rios, Abdiel, “Desacralización a fuerza de salsa y Caribe Red de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericanos (ReVLat), 29 de junio de 2019. 

Segarra Rios, Abdiel, “Las redes como escenario para el movimiento y la danza contemporánea en Puerto Rico”, Rostros y rastros, Revista del ICP, # 7, Tercera Serie, 2018.

Segarra Rios, Abdiel, “En riesgo las colecciones de arte en Puerto Rico”, El Nuevo Día, 10 de agosto de 2017. En línea: https://www.elnuevodia.com/opinion/columnas/enriesgolascoleccionesdearteenpuertorico-columna-2347949/

Segarra Rios, Abdiel, “Hechos, acciones, escenarios; todas juntas, Trabaje duro, Quintín Rivera-Toro, Sala Este, Antiguo Arsenal de la Marina Española,2016. 

Significant Publications

  • Desacralización a fuerza de salsa y Caribe
  • Las redes como escenario para el movimiento y la danza contemporánea en Puerto Rico
  • En riesgo las colecciones de arte en Puerto Rico