Living archive of revolt. Dissident Aesthetics of the Chilean October

From the 18th to the 24th of January 2023 will take place the congress “Vital archive of the revolt. Dissident Aesthetics of the Chilean October” (Aix-Marseille Université / Université Grenoble Alpes) that aims to study the different visual strategies developed and deployed during the massive Chilean social movement, called “estallido social”, which took place between October 2019 and March 2020.

Screening – The Revolution (is) probable

The audiovisual essay “The Revolution (is) probable” by Lee Douglas, Maria Ruido and Paula Barreiro Lopez will be presented at the Cinemateca Portuguesa on 29 September 2022 at 6:30 pm. This audiovisual essay is a reflection on the political force of images, on the legacy they leave us, and on the role of archives, film, the media and representation in general in our contemporary struggles.

The Ways of Archiving. Practices, Conditions and Discourses around the Study of Arts and Culture

The International PhD Workshop  “The Ways of Archiving. Practices, Conditions and Discourses around the Study of Arts and Culture” will take place in Madrid (12-13 September) and Grenoble (15 – 16 September). The Workshop seeks to offer a critical and transversal approach to intrinsic and current issues related to the archival device and its associated practices.

Beyond the Exhibition: a Transnational and Polyphonic Approach to their Histories from the Cold War to our Time

The seminar “Beyond the Exhibition: a Transnational and Polyphonic Approach to their Histories from the Cold War to our Time” (9 September 2022, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) seeks to discuss the potentialities and limitations of exhibitions, understanding them both as a tool to destabilize the Eurocentric narrative and the hegemonic exhibition format, and as a space traversed by geopolitical issues and tensions

Release – Partisan Genealogies: Radical Visual (and Policial) Practices

The special issue “Partisan Genealogies: Radical Visual (and Policial) Practices” (Artl@s bulletin) is the the result of a collective research work developed within the research project “Ré.Part. – Résistance(s) Partisane(s) : Culture visuelle, imaginaires collectifs et mémoire révolutionnaire”. The essays draw a visual, ideological and cultural map that helps to develop a new conceptualization of the partisan and of partisanship.

Cartographic Narratives: Trajectories of Cultural Agents and Artifacts in the Atlantic Space

The doctoral seminar “Cartographic Narratives: Trajectories of Cultural Agents and Artifacts in the Atlantic Space” (Université Grenoble Alpes, 8 July 2022) seeks to discuss the contributions that the geospatial approach brings to the history of art. Based on current research and the work with MoDe(s) Database, we will reflect on how to interrogate and analyze the points of contact, transaction or disjunction of the (spatial) history of art.

Lecture – O poder simbólico de I Giardini di Castello: arqueologia e contemporaneidade dos pavilhões nacionais na Bienal de Veneza

On June 21, 2022 Anita Orzes will present the lecture “O poder simbólico de I Giardini di Castello: arqueologia e contemporaneidade dos pavilhões nacionais na Bienal de Veneza” at the Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP).