Creative and collaborative practices in the making of the commons: politics, discourse and performativity
7 April 2023
Auditorium, Les Abattoirs
Traditionally referring to collectively shared natural spaces and lands, the common embraces today much more: collective models of production, sharing and collective creation in a broad field that touches the social, the economic, the cultural and the cognitive throughout history, even if the “enclosures” movement is considered as founding. According to Dardot and Laval, the potentialities of the common are multiple and they draw up a list of the operative forms that they took during this young XXIst century: “The fights for the ‘real democracy’, the ‘movement of the squares’, the new ‘spring’ of the peoples, the student struggles against the capitalist university, the mobilizations for the popular control of the distribution of water are not chaotic and random events, accidental and passing eruptions, dispersed and aimless jacqueries. These political struggles obey the political rationality of the common, they are collective searches for new democratic forms.” (Dardot and Laval, 2015). These forms are associated with specific cultural and visual practices (Mirzoeff, 2020) crucial to the sharing and construction of the social that the commons propose. With its own contradictions and limitations, the commons create singular communities, hybrid spaces that become laboratories of social innovations where established hierarchies between expert/amateur, high culture/low culture dissolve (Lafuente, 2020).
The seminar Creative and collaborative practices in the making of the common: politics, discourse and performativity aims to open a collective reflection (which will lead to a future research project) on the configurations of the common between the XX and the XXI century at the intersection of cultural history, economy, ecology, gender studies, visual culture and urbanism. The seminar proposes a transnational study of the configuration and implementation of collective community organizations and aims to interrogate their spaces and their cultural and visual productions (visual and performing arts, graphic production, posters, photography, cinema and videos) as well as their contribution to the configuration of new practices and collective consciousness (gender, class, race) throughout the XX and the XXI centuries. These often precarious initiatives that configured alternative models have disappeared from history (in capital) and still need to be thought about and recovered.
The seminar will be in person and streamed by zoom.
Poster Program Multimedia Gallery10.00-10.20 Welcome and Introduction: Paula Barreiro López and Sonia Kerfa
Chair: Tobias Locker (Université Toulouse 2, Jean Jaurès)
10.20-10.50 Julia Ramírez Blanco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Performer le commun. Les mouvements sociaux et artistiques et le rôle de l’auto-théâtralité dans la création de la communauté
10.50-11.10 Discussion
11.10- 11.40 Jacopo Galimberti (Università IUAV di Venezia), Sens commun : groupe d’artistes comme expression du commun ?
11.40-12.00 Discussion
12.00-12.20 Brigitte Aubry (Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès), Focus sur le collectif international Myvillages – Pour la production d’un “art rural critique”
12.20-12.30 Discussion
12.30- 14.00 Lunch
Chair: Paula Barreiro López (Université Toulouse 2/Jean Jaurès)
14.00- 14.30 Marco Baravalle (Università IUAV di Venezia), Art commons and neoliberal capture. Curating and alter-institutions at the turn of 1968
14.30-14.50 Discussion
14.50- 15.10 Anita Orzes (Universidat de Barcelona), Focus sur la Biennale de La Havane: un exercice créative collectif?
15.10-15.20 Discussion
15.20-15.50 Sonia Kerfa (Université Grenoble Alpes), Politique du quotidien et praxis créative du commun : ‘La Virgen de los deseos’, un espace féministe à habiter (La Paz, Bolivie)
15.50-16-10 Discussion
16.10-16.40 Patricia Oliart (Newcastle University), Políticas prefigurativas. Feminismo, solidaridad y creatividad en Lima 2023
16.40-17.00 Discussion
17.00 Conclusions

Tobias Locker responsible for the chat and moderator of the multilingual online discussions (French, Spanish, English).
Anita Orzes, in charge of editing the presentations and putting them online on the MoDes website.
Seminar organized within the framework of the Atelier Images du Commun with the support of FRAMESPA, ILCEA 4 and the Master of Research Histoire de l’Art Moderne et Contemporain of the Department of Art History.
Image: Lici Ramírez, ¡Somos Flor de Rebeldía!, 2010