MoDe(s) participates in the International Colloquium in Geohumanities (Barcelona, 19-21 October 2016)

The Annual Colloquium of the History of geographical thought group of the Association of Spanish Geographers, organized at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, ​​from 19 to 21 October 2016, will include a communication by members of MoDe(s) presenting the project’s latest developments in the field of research data visualization through GIS (Geographic Information Systems).

Report and balance of the Cold Atlantic doctoral seminar in Barcelona

The Cold Atlantic pre-doctoral seminar took place on September 8 and 9 at the University of Barcelona and the MACBA. There were two days of very fruitful presentations and exchanges, many thanks to the participants for sharing their work in progress and feeding a debate that two days did not manage to exhaust!

Global Art Challenges: Watch the lectures

The lectures presented in the framework of the international conference Global Art Challenges. Towards an “Ecology of Knowledges” online are finally available online! You can access online to the keynote lectures of Klara Kemp-Welch, Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel and Maria Hlavajova, as well as all the interventions presented in the framework of the four panels.

Multimedia Archive: last entries

Listen to the last audio files, from MoDe(s) Research Seminar Diverging Gazes: Art, Politics, Coloniality and their Transnational Networks, held at La Casa Encendida, Madrid, in April 8th, 2016. They include a keynote lecture by Julián Díaz Sánchez (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) “Arte y guerra fría. Cuestiones de método”, and presentations by Inés Plasencia, Pablo … Continue reading Multimedia Archive: last entries