María Ruido has been awarded the prestigious grant (2024-2025) from the Spanish Academy in Rome to develop her project “De amor y rabia” (Of Love and Rage).
The latest news
Equipo Comunicación. Antifranquismo, edición, debate (1968-1979)
The exhibition “Equipo Comunicación. Antifranquismo, edición, debate (1968-1979)” ( Sala de exposiciones UAM, October 28 – December 6, 2024) aims to recover the editorial and intellectual activity of Equipo Comunicación, relating it to the movement of non-tenured professors (PNN, profesores no numerarios) of the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Equipo Comunicación, in Context: Anti-Francoism, Publishing, and Cultural Criticism
The seminar “Equipo Comunicación, in Context: Anti-Francoism, Publishing, and Cultural Critique” (Madrid, 6-8 November 2024) aims to recover and contextualize the work of Equipo Comunicación, revisiting the collective as a crucial agent in shaping an anti-Francoist and proto-democratic cultural sphere.
The project “Political Images and New Worlds to Build: The Visual Culture of the Zapatistas’ Journey for Life in Europe” (NOVA-IMAGO-ZAP) analyzes the creation of images by European activists during the “Journey for Life” (Mexico-Europe, 2021), focusing on their impact on collective imaginaries and social movements in Europe.
Award CREA – The Revolution (is) probable
The audiovisual essay “The Revolution (is) probable” was presented at the 19th Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico (Museo do Pobo Galego, March 20-26, 2024), receiving the CREA award. The jury valued that, “through virtuoso editing and extraordinary archive material”, the film reflects on the audiovisual memory of a revolution that is very close to us.
Powers, Challenges and Potentialities of Images: Theoretical and Practical Approaches in Art History and Visual Culture
The doctoral seminar “Powers, challenges and potentialities of images: theoretical and practical approaches in art history and visual culture” will take place on 17 and 18 January 2024 at the Université Toulouse II – Jean Jaurès. Understanding the image as a tool, this seminar aims to reflect on its powers, challenges and potentialities from the perspective of the history of art and visual culture.
Presentation of the book ‘Revolver el tiempo’ in Barcelona
The book Revolver el tiempo. Conceptos críticos, mutaciones históricas y estéticas entre la Guerra Fría y la contrarrevolución neoliberal (Bellaterra, 2023) will be presented on 14 December 2023 at 19.30 at La Caníbal (C/ Napoles 314, Barcelona). The editors Paula Barrerio López and María Ruido will be accompanied by Ignasi Gonzalo Salellas, Antonio Gómez Villar and María Íñigo Clavo.
Compagnons de lutte – Prix Pierre Daix 2023
Paula Barreiro López, director of the international platform Decentralized Modernities, received the Pierre Daix prize from the Fondation Pinault for her book Compagnons de lutte. Avant-garde and art criticism in Spain during Francoism (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2023).
Laura Ramírez Palacio – Vínculos y disociaciones / Porque no hemos visto
Throughout this month of November, two exhibitions will be held in memory of artist and researcher Laura Ramírez Palacio (1988-2022), a member of the MoDe(s) team. “Vínculos y disociaciones” will take place at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and “Porque no hemos visto. Laura Ramirez Palacio” at the Espacio PlusArtis.