The audiovisual essay The Revolution (is) probable was presented at the 19th Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico (Museo do Pobo Galego, March 20-26, 2024), receiving the CREA award.
The jury valued that, through virtuoso editing and extraordinary archive material, the film reflects on the audiovisual memory of a revolution that is very close to us, the fiftieth anniversary of which is being celebrated this year, in the face of the rise of the extreme right in the Portuguese parliament. The CREA Award was handed over by Adriana Páramo, on behalf of the Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Dirección e Realización.

What is a revolution for? A revolution highlights other possibilities for life.
That is the premise on which this short film is based. It delves into the history and the colonial roots of one of the last great European revolutions that started on 25 April 1974 in Portugal and reflects on its end on 25 November 1975.
What can we learn from that 19-month period and from its so-called ‘Revolutionary Process in Progress’? What images does this popular revolution that began as a military coup d’état leave us with?
This audiovisual essay, constructed with some of the most important cinematographic works on the 25 April, including archive material from television and the film cooperatives that emerged in the heat of the revolutionary process, is a reflection on the political force of images, on the legacy they leave us, and on the role of archives, film, the media and representation in general in our contemporary struggles.
The revolution (is) probable also speaks to us of the fragile document status of images as “proof” and about the real possibility of learning from history from the present. It is an audiovisual essay by Lee Douglas, Maria Ruido and Paula Barreiro López.