Beyond the Exhibition: a Transnational and Polyphonic Approach to their Histories from the Cold War to our Time

The seminar “Beyond the Exhibition: a Transnational and Polyphonic Approach to their Histories from the Cold War to our Time” (9 September 2022, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) seeks to discuss the potentialities and limitations of exhibitions, understanding them both as a tool to destabilize the Eurocentric narrative and the hegemonic exhibition format, and as a space traversed by geopolitical issues and tensions

Miguel Trillo. Double Exposure

Presented at the CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo in the Comunidad de Madrid, the exhibition Miguel Trillo.Double Exposure curated by Juan Albarrán offered a reconstruction of the first two solo exhibitions by Miguel Trillo (Jimena de la Frontera, Cádiz, 1953): PopPurri. Dos años de música pop en Madrid in the Ovidio Gallery in … Continue reading Miguel Trillo. Double Exposure

CFP international Conference Cold Atlantic

The international conference Cold Atlantic seeks to highlight the transatlantic exchanges between North America, Europe, Africa and Latin America bringing into the fore other hubs of artistic exchange and influence, aiming not just to de-center the Paris-New York axis, but also to foster a discussion that gives a voice to cultural expressions that were generated outside the official power structures.