Une généalogie des révoltées du surréalisme à l’Internationale Situationniste, 1920-1978 – Militant Visual Cultures Seminar


Une généalogie des révoltées du surréalisme à l’Internationale Situationniste, 1920-1978 [A genealogy of the rebellious from surrealism to the Situationist International, 1920-1978]
by Fabrice Flahutez (Prof. Université Lyon-Saint Étienne)

Thursday 10 October, 2-4 p.m at the Magasin des Horizons


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Through the study of models and images of women, this conference (organized as part of the seminar Militant Visual Cultures) seeks to show how a history of the avant-garde groups was built. While these groups were almost exclusively composed of men, their purpose was to reclaim and promote universal, and undoubtedly legitimate, struggles and revolts. The use of women as models to produce images is therefore not intended as a means of producing muses for the pleasure of the eye, but rather as a weapon directed against the system.



The seminar Militant Visual Cultures is organized in collaboration with the Magasin des Horizons in the framework of the project Ré.Part – Partisan Resistance(s): Visual culture, collective imagination and revolutionary memory (ANR-15-IDEX-02), the Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA), the master in History of Art of the Université Grenoble Alpes and the international platform MoDe(s)2 – Modernidad(es) Descentralizada(s): arte, política y contracultura en el eje transatlántico durante la Guerra Fría. HAR2017-82755-P