Multimedia updates – Le camarade Pi©a$$o au carrefour des cultures des résistances


The sound recording of the international seminar Le camarade Pi©a$$o au carrefour des cultures des résistances (Musée de Grenoble, 22 November 2019) are now available in our multimedia section.

This seminar, that took place in parallel and in collaboration with the exhibition Picasso au cœur des ténèbres (1939-1945), is dedicated to the committed figure of the artist Pablo Picasso, studying how he participated in the implementation of different models of resistance and antifascist visual cultural movements. It has brought together a group of international researchers and artists to discuss the production of Picasso, his antifascist networks, as well as the dialogues established between the culture of resistance and his visual productions. Focusing on the primordial importance of the image in the construction of a militant culture and its transformations over time, this seminar has addressed the multiple resemantizations of Picasso and his art, from war to the present day, under the sing of globalized capitalism.

The lectures are available by clicking of the following titles:

Guy Tosatto (Musée de Grenoble), Sophie Bernard (Musée de Grenoble), Paula Barreiro López (Université Grenoble Alpes), Welcome and introduction

Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (Université de Genève), Picasso et l’invention de l’engagement artistique

Rocío Robles Tardío (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Dora Maar dans l´atelier des Grands-Augustins, photographe et révolutionnaire

Amanda Herold-Marne (École du Louvre), Picasso et la vie artistique espagnole à Paris sous l’Occupation: résistance contrefaçon et contradictions

María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Picasso ¿communisme, antifranquisme, exil?

Paula Barreiro López (Université Grenoble Alpes), Picasso est des nôtres, pas des leurs!

Rogelio López Cuenca (Artist), Pi©a$$o

For more information, see the program.