María Ruido has been awarded the prestigious grant (2024-2025) from the Spanish Academy in Rome to develop her project “De amor y rabia” (Of Love and Rage).
Art and Politics
Presentation of the book ‘Revolver el tiempo’ in Barcelona
The book Revolver el tiempo. Conceptos críticos, mutaciones históricas y estéticas entre la Guerra Fría y la contrarrevolución neoliberal (Bellaterra, 2023) will be presented on 14 December 2023 at 19.30 at La Caníbal (C/ Napoles 314, Barcelona). The editors Paula Barrerio López and María Ruido will be accompanied by Ignasi Gonzalo Salellas, Antonio Gómez Villar and María Íñigo Clavo.
Compagnons de lutte – Prix Pierre Daix 2023
Paula Barreiro López, director of the international platform Decentralized Modernities, received the Pierre Daix prize from the Fondation Pinault for her book Compagnons de lutte. Avant-garde and art criticism in Spain during Francoism (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2023).
Presetation of the book ‘Revolver el tiempo’ in Madrid
The book “Revolver el tiempo. Conceptos críticos, mutaciones históricas y estéticas entre la Guerra Fría y la contrarrevolución neoliberal” (Bellaterra, 2023) will be presented on 26 October 2023 at 18.30 at Enclave Libros (C/ Relatores 16, Madrid). The editors Paula Barrerio López and María Ruido will be accompanied by Julia Ramírez Blanco and Kostis Kornetis.
Release of the book – Compagnons de lutte by Paula Barreiro López
Based on unpublished archival documents, the book “Compagnons de lutte. Avant-garde et critique d’art en Espagne pendant le franquisme” by Paula Barreiro López reveals the artistic and intellectual circles of the left fighting against Francoism.
Beyond the Exhibition: a Transnational and Polyphonic Approach to their Histories from the Cold War to our Time
The seminar “Beyond the Exhibition: a Transnational and Polyphonic Approach to their Histories from the Cold War to our Time” (9 September 2022, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) seeks to discuss the potentialities and limitations of exhibitions, understanding them both as a tool to destabilize the Eurocentric narrative and the hegemonic exhibition format, and as a space traversed by geopolitical issues and tensions
Arts and Rebel Writing. Dissident Images and Linguistic Resistance
This seminar proposes to analyze the current reconfigurations of resistance in the arts and writings, and thus to study in what way the emergence of new epistemologies have been able to profoundly modify them by bringing certain practices into the field of knowledge.
Crisis over Crisis: institucionalidad cultural en desequilibrio
This seminar proposes a space to discuss and problematize the current Puerto Rican cultural panorama considering the conditions of its institutions and cultural projects.
Reports – Decentralized Modernities 2
The reports aim to document the discussions that took place during MoDe(s) activities, as well as being an useful complement to the recording of the events that can be found in the multimedia section.