Release of the book – Revolver el tiempo, Paula Barreiro López and Maria Ruido (eds.)

The book Revolver el tiempo. Conceptos críticos, mutaciones históricas y estéticas entre la Guerra Fría y la contrarrevolución neoliberal (Bellaterra edicions) edited by Paula Barreiro López and Maria Ruido has just been released. The volume is the result of a collective research work developed within the framework of MoDe(s)2 project.

This book proposes a critical cartography of the practices and discourses of the last six decades by analyzing the powerful role of art and film in shaping cultural, social and political imaginaries from the Cold War to the present.

Our approach seeks to highlight the role of social movements as well as institutional politics in moments of ongoing crisis and rapid social de-structuring in which art takes an active position. It is not intended to be a volume that exhausts perspectives, but a starting point for analysis that accompanies the transformations produced in history, philosophy, sociology and cultural studies that help us to nurture contemporary thought, where the visual occupies a preponderant place.

All the concepts that appear here are fundamental. The selection does not pretend to be absolute, and is deeply partial. However, in their intertwining and tangentialities, these words acquire volumes and resonances that are undoubtedly necessary to think our present in its intertwining with the past. Our interest is to try to propose diverse genealogies that complexify the understanding, not only of the concepts rethought here and their historical imbrications, but also of their locations in possible counter-narratives and their impulses in the face of a canon (artistic and of thought) that needs to be revised and widened to generate useful tools in our current contexts.

The book is complemented by the online platform Revolver el tiempo (Stirring up time), which offers a journey through these 10 concepts, delving into their interconnections and proposing their most important bibliographical referen

Revolver el tiempo. Conceptos críticos, mutaciones históricas y estéticas entre la Guerra Fría y la contrarrevolución neoliberal
Paula Barreiro López and Maria Ruido (eds.)
Barcelona: Bellaterra edicions, 2023
ISBN: 978-84-19160-25-6

Download the index


Juliane Debeusscher, “Un glosario crítico: persistencias y transformaciones”, Re-visiones