The special issue Partisan Genealogies: Radical Visual (and Policial) Practices, edited by Paula Barreiro López, in Artl@s Bulletin has just been released. It is the the result of a collective research work developed within the research project Ré.Part. – Résistance(s) Partisane(s) : Culture visuelle, imaginaires collectifs et mémoire révolutionnaire.
Partisan Genealogies research the role that artistic, visual and performative productions, developed by the partisan movements and in conjunction with them, have had during the 20th century. Proposing a critical re-signification of the concept of the partisan and of partisanship, the different papers included here aim to expand the scope of the partisan movements from the antifascist and national liberation struggles of Second War World (which are traditionally, historically bound), in order to understand them as configurative models of radical cultural and political production. Therefore, it is not only a question of thinking about how visual culture comes into contact with and fits into the social and political struggles of the resistance, but of asking, on the one hand, in what ways and according to what modalities it functions effectively within these struggles ; and on the other hand, of thinking, in agreement with William John Thomas Mitchell, about visual culture without reducing it “to the social construction of the visual, but to the visual construction of the social”.
Autors: Paula Barreiro López, Olga Fernández López, Jacopo Galimberti, Gal Kirn, Fabiola Martínez Rodríguez, Anita Orzes, Laura Ramírez Palacio, Jaime Vindel.
Partisan Genealogies: Radical Visual (and Policial) Practices
Artl@s Bulletin
Purdue University
Volume 11, Issue 1 (2022)
Consult the index
Partisan Genealogies is available here.