From April to June 2017, head researcher of MoDe(s) Paula Barreiro López is invited at the École Normale Supérieure by the labex TransferS and Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (IHMC) to contribute to Artl@s’ activities and to its annual seminar Biennials of the South.
New Artl@s Bulletin, “Art History and the Global Challenge”
[:en]The last issue of ARTL@S Bulletin edited by Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel is now available online. It includes contributions by Paula Barreiro López, Jonathan Harris, Sven Spieker, Nuria Rodríguez Ortega, Atreyee Gupta and Patrick D. Flores.[:]
CFP for REG|AC journal: “Cold War networks and circulations”
Until May 5th, we accept proposals for the special issue of REG|AC journal (Winter 2017), about “Cold War networks and circulations: Cross-cultural Dialogues and Practices throughout the Global South (1957-1991)”. Spread the word!
Presentation at La Central del Museo Reina Sofía
Next Wednesday, April 5th at 7 p.m, Paula Barreiro López will introduce her book Avant-garde Art and Criticism in Francoist Spain at La Central del Museo Reina Sofía, with the participation of Lola Jiménez-Blanco and Julián Díaz Sánchez.
Expanded histories: Ways of narrating in the cultural Cold War
This doctoral seminal proposes to reflect on the practices of narration developped through the arts during the Cold War period (1947-1991) or in relation to it. On Wednesday April 19th at the Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Multimedia updates: Cold Atlantic and Canons in dispute
International Cold Atlantic Conference: the Museo Reina Sofia has just made available online a podcast with an interview with organizers and participants, and also a selection of recordings of the lectures!
Miguel Trillo-Double exposure, soon at CA2M
The exhibition on view from June to October 2017, curated by Juan Albarrán seeks to recontextualise Trillo’s early works within the framework of the history of recent photography and against its relationship with 1980 subcultures.
Meeting with… Miriam Basilio
The cycle of meetings Talking with… establishes a dialogue with a guest who will share his/her lines of research and career. We inaugurate this cycle in Barcelona on March 23rd with Miriam Basilio, associate professor of History of Art and Museum Studies at New York University.
On March 22nd, book presentation by Paula Barreiro López in MACBA
The book Avant-garde Art and Criticism in Francoist Spain by Paula Barreiro López will be presented by the author, along with Miriam Basilio and Juanjo Lahuerta. On March 22nd, at 7 pm, in the Auditorium of MACBA’s Convent del Àngels.