New release: Avant-garde Art and Criticism in Francoist Spain by Paula Barreiro López

Paula Barreiro López’s book Avant-garde Art and Criticism in Francoist Spain (Liverpool University Press) is a contribution to the history of Spanish art in the twentieth century. It surveys the shifts in the aesthetic discourse and artistic practices that decisively influenced the shaping of the avant-garde during Franco’s dictatorship (1939-1975).

Videos of the IV International Meeting on Digital Art History and Artistic Culture (Málaga, Dec. 2016)

The video recordings of the IV International Meeting on Digital Art History and Artistic Culture (December 15th to 17th, 2016, Málaga) are available online! MoDe(s) participated in the session “Digital Methodologies and Epistemological Transformations in Art-Historical Scholarship.”

MoDe(s) at the IV International Meeting on Digital Art History in Malaga

This Meeting in Malaga from December 15th to 17th, 2016 develops a forum to discuss researches and projects developed at the intersection between art historical studies, computational technologies and digital media. MoDe(s) is participating with the lecture “Exploring Digital Resources to Map Art, Counterculture and Politics during the Cold War.”

Research Seminar Canon(s) in Dispute – Conclusions

A summary of MoDe(s)’ Research Seminar of November 23rd at the Facultat de Geografía e Historia of the Universitat de Barcelona, dedicated to the notion of canon and its multiple manifestations. Among the topics, Latinamerican modern art, art in the Spanish state over the 1970s, feminist and gender perspectives questioning the canon, and more!

PRISME’s first symposium in Rennes – “Between sciences and fiction”

The first symposium of the PRISME program “Entre sciences et fiction: la critique d’art à l’épreuve des mutations technologiques” (Between sciences and fiction: art criticism proofed by technological mutations), will take place on December 1st, 2016 in Rennes, France, with the participation of MODe(s) and Paula Barreiro López.

Canon(s) in dispute: The narratives of modernity and their conflicts

On November 23rd, 2016 from 9.45 till 18, Universitat de Barcelona. This seminar seeks to deepen the specific processes through which the modern canon is created, delving also into conflictive models that attempted to challenge its legitimacy. Through the contrasted study of cases, we will seek to create a common framework of reflection on the processes of construction and deconstruction of the canon.