Partisan genealogies: counter-visualities since WWII


International Workshop
Partisan genealogies: counter-visualities since WWII

7 May 2020
Université Grenoble – Alpes
Due to CODIV-19 crisis this international workshop will be virtual


This international workshop is the second part of Partisan Resistance(s): a tool box for analyzing transnational concepts and images which took place in March virtually due to the Covid-19.
Following with our research on the complex role of the oral, written and visual productions as agents for a culture of resistance, this  workshop seeks to deepen some of the concepts previously analyzed (partisan, resistance, solidarity, empathy, freedom and liberation, collectivity and authorship (here the report) via different case studies that connect the Western Word, the Socialist block, the Third Word and the Non-aligned countries.
Although there are key historical moments that forged the partisan figure, such as the Spanish 19th century resistance to Napoleonic troops (Carl Schmitt, 1963) or the figure of Augusto Cesar Sandino in Latin America during the 20th century (David Craven, 2002), it was from the Second War World when its active presence in the battle against fascism codified a model of resistance and struggle. Constantly in touch with new imaginaries of the present, the figure of the partisan was reinterpreted, updated, reactivated along with resistance memories, struggles and ideals, transmitted through images, songs, films and multiple media (Philip Cooke, 2002).
Basing on a crossed-reading of historical moments, this international workshop aims to reflect on how exhibitions, archives, films, journals and visual productions deal with the partisan imaginary.



Thursday, 7 May

10.15 – 13.15 > Session 1

Gal Kirn (Université Technique de Dresde), The partisan counter-archive: how to commemorate the rupture?
Respondent: Jaime Vindel

Paula Barreiro López (Université Grenoble-Alpes), Some preliminary thesis on the Partisan: partisan images and cultural resistance
Respondent: Gal Kirn


Jaime Vindel (Instituto de Historia, CSIC, Madrid), Partisan ecologies: the politics of the wild after the end of the world
Respondent: Olga Fernández López

Jacopo Galimberti (University of Manchester), La partisan, la partie maudite et le masque. Deux projets autour de l’imagerie de l’extrême gauche.
Respondent: Sonia Kerfa

13.15 – 15.30 > Lunch break

15.30 – 18.30 > Session 2

Fabiola Martínez (Saint Louis University, Madrid), Mexican art in the Eastern Block: The partisan aesthetics of the Frente Nacional de Artes Plásticas
Respondent: Paula Barreiro López

Anita Orzes (Universitat de Barcelona), Rethinking the counter biennials: agents of resistance with potential to enact lasting changes in the biennialistic system? 
Respondent: Japoco Galimberti


Olga Fernández López (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), The Island of negative Utopia. New York’s late seventies: art and resistance at a crossroads
Respondent: Fabiola Martínez

Sonia Kerfa (Université Grenoble-Alpes), Le sexe des utopies: femmes dans les collectifs d’artistes ou le genre de l’art (Amérique latine, 1970-2020)
Respondent: Isabel Plante

Photo gallery 

DirectionPaula Barreiro López (Université Grenoble-Alpes)

CoordinationAnita Orzes (Universitat de Barcelona)

International Research Workshop organized in the framework of the project  Ré.Part – Partisan Resistance(s): Visual culture, collective imagination and revolutionary memory (ANR-15-IDEX-02) of the Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA), with the support of  Université Grenoble Alpes, as well as the project I+D+i MoDe(s)2 – Modernidad(es) Descentralizada(s): arte, política y contracultura en el eje transatlántico durante la Guerra Fría (HAR2017-82755-P).