Conference – Une généalogie des révoltées (Grenoble, October 10, 2019)

The conference “Une généalogie des révoltées du surréalisme à l’Internationale Situationniste, 1920-1978” of Fabrice Flauhutez is organized as part of the seminar Cultures Visuelles Militantes. It will take place at the Magasin des horizons and it will address the use of images with female subjects as a strategy of struggle.

Report from the conference Transnational solidarities and visual culture (Grenoble, June 2019)

The international conference was intended to further the cartographic reconstruction of regional and internationalist ties that were forged by the nonaligned culture of the period running from the end of the second world conflict to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Critical imaginaries and expanded semantic fields from the Cold War to contemporaneity #2

This research workshop continues the workshop organized in July 2018, conceived as a space for work and dialogue among the members of the MoDe(s)2 project. MoDe(s)2 seeks to deepen four axes of transversal analysis. They delve into the role that culture and art have had in the multiple conflicts and frictions for the configuration of … Continue reading Critical imaginaries and expanded semantic fields from the Cold War to contemporaneity #2

Soon: Symposium Transnational solidarity and visual culture, 24 & 25 June 2019 in Grenoble

This international conference aims to open up an innovative field of research on transnational solidarity movements at the crossroads of cultural history and visual culture. It seeks to show how some networks have shaped a transnational visual culture of resistance, while adapting to local contexts and political struggles.