On June 13th and 14th at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, this international conference will discuss the potential of digital technology in renewing our understanding of artistic circulations and in the deployment of alternative narratives.
Presentation of the book Atlántico Frío in Madrid
The book Cold Atlantic will be presented at La Central library, at the Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid, on 10 May at 7 p.m. Edited by Paula Barreiro López, this volume proposes a renewed reading on artistic practices, aesthetic discourses and models of resistance in the transatlantic axis from 1948 to the present day.
Report on the seminar “Spectres of others ’68” (Barcelona, January 2019)
Anita Orzes and Pablo Santa Olalla revisit the various contributions to the seminar, between a historical review of the revolts and social transformations that occurred around 1968, and an expansion of their geographies and genealogies.
Release of the book Disputas sobre lo contemporáneo by Juan Albarrán
The book Disputas sobre lo contemporáneo. Arte español entre el antifranquismo y la postmodernidad by Juan Albarrán has just been released! It will be presented by the author at the Central in Museo Reina Sofía on 21 March, 2019.
Release of the book Atlántico Frío (Brumaria Editions)
The volume edited by Paula Barreiro López is the result of a collective research work developed over the last three years within the framework of MoDe(s) project. It brings together fifteen texts based on case studies and documentary sources so far unpublished that address forms of mediation, dissent and resistance to the Cold War’s ideological and aesthetic schism.
Multimedia updates: Spectres of others ’68
The sound recording of the international seminar “Spectres of others ’68: Aesthetic Genealogies and Global Activism” (Universitat de Barcelona, 9-10 January 2019 November 2019) are now available in our multimedia section.
Report on the seminar Scenarios, representations and transformations of work in the global world
Seminar Scenarios, representations and transformations of work in the global world 23 November 2018 MACBA, Convent dels Angels. Barcelona Report by Juliane Debeusscher The seminar Scenarios, Representations and Transformations of Work in the Global World, organised within the framework of the MoDe(s)2 project, took place on 28 November in Barcelona. It counted with the participation of … Continue reading Report on the seminar Scenarios, representations and transformations of work in the global world
Spectres of others ’68: Aesthetic Genealogies and Global Activism. January 9-10th, 2019 in Barcelona
Decentralizing the accounts of 1968, both chronologically and geographically, this seminar proposes to explore the role of ‘the other’ in the configuration of the movements of revolt of the 1960s, tracing the political genealogies and utopian horizons that were conceived and are still visible (and claimed) in contemporary times. While Kristin Ross denounced the depoliticization of … Continue reading Spectres of others ’68: Aesthetic Genealogies and Global Activism. January 9-10th, 2019 in Barcelona
Publication of REG|AC issue on Cold War networks and circulations: Cross-cultural Dialogues and Practices throughout the Global South (1957-1991)
The latest issue of REG|AC, Revista de Estudios Globales & Arte Contemporáneo, edited by Paula Barreiro López and Juliane Debeusscher, is available. It maps some of the cultural networks of the Cold War (1957-1991) developed through, or in contact with, the transantlantic south and the Pacific.