Multimedia updates

The sound recordings of the last two seminars organized by MoDe(s) in Madrid and Barcelona are now available in our Multimedia section.

The first, Contemporaneity and transition: perspectives from the South of Europe (Madrid, 17 October), aimed to think about the connections between the transitions of three countries – Spain, Portugal and Greece – reconsidering their political and cultural legacies, the artistic projects that have tried or are trying to evaluate their memories, as well as the echoes of those processes in the present upheaval. You can hear Kostis Kornetis‘ lecture and the round table “Memories of struggle and repression” that brought together David Moriente, Alberto Berzosa, Lola Lasurt and Lidia Mateo.

For more information, you can consult the conference report written by Álvaro Giménez Ibáñez.

The second, Scenarios, representations and transformations of work in the global world (Barcelona, 28 November), questioned the variable geographies of the new composition of the work. The communications of Guillermo Fernández, Antón Fernández de Rota and Rafael Pinilla offered differentiated perspectives on these aspects, as well as the presentation of the film Estado de malestar (malestar_exhuberancia_anomalía) by María Ruido and the conversation with the author.