Release of the book Atlántico Frío (Brumaria Editions)

The volume edited by Paula Barreiro López is the result of a collective research work developed over the last three years within the framework of MoDe(s) project. It brings together fifteen texts based on case studies and documentary sources so far unpublished that address forms of mediation, dissent and resistance to the Cold War’s ideological and aesthetic schism.

Publication of REG|AC issue on Cold War networks and circulations: Cross-cultural Dialogues and Practices throughout the Global South (1957-1991)

The latest issue of REG|AC, Revista de Estudios Globales & Arte Contemporáneo, edited by Paula Barreiro López and Juliane Debeusscher, is available. It maps some of the cultural networks of the Cold War (1957-1991) developed through, or in contact with, the transantlantic south and the Pacific.

Comrades in Arms against Dictatorship – Research seminar in Edinburgh

On January 25th, Paula Barreiro López’s conference at the Edinburgh College of Art will address the processes of negotiation amongst art critics, artists and cultural agents during Late Francoism (1959–1975), highlighting questionings raised by the link between art and (left-wing( ideology.

A Thousand Roaring Beasts: Display Devices for a Critical Modernity

Until March 4th, the exhibition curated by Olga Fernández López at CAAC Sevilla presents artists who try to visibilize some of the silences, misunderstandings or undeveloped possibilities of writings from the past, opening a reflection on exhibitions of the 20th century as devices for producing subjectivities, experiences and discourses.