Critical concepts and semantic turns from neoliberalism to the Cold War
17 – 18 December 2020
Webinar – Université Grenoble Alpes
This research workshop gives continuity to the workshops Critical Imaginaries and Expanded Semantic Fields from the Cold War to Contemporary #1 and #2 and is proposed as a space of working and dialogue between the members of the MoDe(s)2 project.
Throughout the workshop, we will discuss concepts that will allow us to understand the cultural tensions that are present in the Cold War and that continue to reverberate in the contemporary world. We will analyze not only concepts (solidarity, work, entropy, subjectivity, archiving or biennialization) that are significant for understanding contemporaneity and the processes linked to the Cold War, but also the artistic practices related to them. Likewise, through a transnational analysis, the semantic changes and turning points of these concepts will be discussed, which will allow to highlight historical and political conjunctures at a global level.
16.00 – 16.45
Session 1- Latinoamericanismos de/post coloniales
Round table with Fabiola Martínez (Saint Louis University, Madrid) and Fabiana Serviddio (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero)
16.45 – 17.30
Session 2 – Desde la cultura popular a la pedagogía radical
Round table with Margarida Brito Alves (Universidad Nova de Lisboa), Giulia Lamoni (Universidad Nova de Lisboa) and María Íñigo (Universidad Abierta de Cataluña)
17.30 – 18:15
Session 3 – Subjetividades cruzadas
Round table with Pablo Santa Olalla (Universidad de Barcelona), Juan Albarrán (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Lee Douglas (New York University)
18.15 – 19.00
Session 4 – Mega-exposiciones y públicos en el nuevo imaginario global
Round table with Olga Fernández López (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Julián Díaz (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) and Anita Orzes (Universidad de Barcelona)
16.00 -17.00
Session – Entre utopías y distopías en la crisis ecosocial
Round table with Jaime Vindel (Instituto de Historia, CSIC), Antonio Gómez & María Ruido (Universidad de Barcelona) and Paula Barreiro López (Université Grenoble-Alpes)
17.00 – 18.30
Internal meeting
Direction: Paula Barreiro López (Université Grenoble-Alpes) and María Ruido (Universidad de Barcelona)
Coordination: Anita Orzes (Universitat de Barcelona)
International Research Workshop organized in the framework of the Project I+D+i MoDe(s)2 – Modernidad(es) Descentralizada(s): arte, política y contracultura en el eje transatlántico durante la Guerra Fría (HAR2017-82755-P) as well as theproject Ré.Part – Partisan Resistance(s): Visual culture, collective imagination and revolutionary memory (ANR-15-IDEX-02).
Image: Donna Rumble Smith, Signatures Exchanged for Passwords, 2017